Sunday, June 15, 2008

Multimedia message

Drainage system to handle rainwater runoff.
(This is gutter extension tubing given away free on Glenfriends group.)

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Thank You's

  • M. Talbot - Everything, from loving support on each time I would say "I have an idea..."
  • A. Fisher - Lumber, stepping stones, painting, keeping me company, telling me of the 'Oakland tools library'.
  • D. Lombardi - Lumber, hardware, good food, lunch after lunch. This was my 1st garage raid.
  • S & B Farvar - Lumber, tools, loving support from my best friends.
  • Bob (neighbor) - Broken chunks of concrete sidewalk that he was rebuilding.
  • B & C Drummer - Hanging out during project time, keeping me going and providing great dinners! yummy.
  • Dean and Tony - from the depths of their crawl space, much good things were found. Lumber, bamboo, hopefully a pond pump. ;-).
  • M. Peters - well, i walk around his yard and just take stuff! Tiles last time. He's my brother so I'm cleared to do this. ;-).
  • D. Rakovec - Yes, I raided her garage too. Tiles, ornaments, hardware. Hello to Harry and Lou!

  • Overall length: 25 ft
  • Height: 6.5 ft at each level - for a rise of
    almost 3 ft
  • Material: 4x4, 2x6, 1x2, ripped from donated wood, copper pipe
  • Design: 3 tiers/levels, 8+" rise, 10'

Monday, June 4, 2007

New Wisteria Pergola

The original thoughts of a Trellis, then Arbor have now been transformed to a Pergola.

Growing all thruout the driveway is Wisteria, that is just beautiful in bloom.

So, now it will have a place to climb just a little more.

This view shows the 3-tiers (triple Gems) of the Pergola - which matches the layout of the neighboring fence and the concepts of great teachers.

Another view of the Triple Gems. An interesting point of view as it shows the convergence of the middle tier.

The view from Woodruff's window... my personal favorite.

Work in progress:

The 1st (lowest) level consists of 2 individual, parrallel beams.

The 2nd (middle) level converges both beams into a single, focused point.

The 3rd (highest) level is made of a single beam appearing to balance itself (as it is slightly off center) at only one point of support.

To give the overall design some character, I copied this connector finial which I noticed on a previous 'secret garden tour of Oakland' (thank u Angi).

Explanation: The upper sleeve receives the next tier while the lower Rabbet cut is in line with the previous tiers sleeve. The locking bar is an old copper pipe (M. Talbot donations).

A jigsaw puzzle for sure... at least on paper.

New Picket Fence

Ahh... the 'white picket fence'... part of the American dream. So... come on in!
I had a wish after a long day's work to come home and open my little gate to a welcoming garden. Each picket is hand made. After the 10th one, I was getting pretty good.

BEFORE the secret garden

This is a beautiful Star Jasmine bush that has been struggling in a far corner. She's been saved also and will be established in the new garden soon.

... this area is going to become.... something... I can feel it. ;-)

and messy...

There was definate tugging at my heart strings to take out such a long-lifed plant as this one due to its size and anchoring but not to worry as I saved several tubers for replanting. They are in nuturing tanks waiting for the next stage.

The transformation piles get bigger...

The transformation begins...

This is the beginning of the Secret Garden.

There is a huge Bird of Paradise plant with 3' palm leaves on the far left. It took me hours and 3 green trash can fills (thank you Angi, Robin and of course Margaret) to cut it down to a manageable size.